Ideated & prototyped the engagement concept behind AI corporate coaching app
Executives lacked the ability to supplement their professional coaching sessions with assigned tasks to keep them on the right track with their career goals.
Develop a self-coaching mobile app that continues engagement with the brand, helps visualize growth, and lessens the hurdle of tedious tasks like goal-setting & journaling.
01 Adopted conversational journaling using AI concept which was my primary recommendation for this mobile app.
02 Proofed concept through leading research groups & user testing.
03 Currently in beta testing with launch plans coming soon.
The two leading concepts for the journaling feature were gamification and conversational using AI. I was responsible for the conversational ideation and spearheading this concept which was ultimately chosen by the CEO and implemented for beta testing.
Developed sketches and wireframes for a user-friendly environment for three key desired features, namely, visualizing growth, a compass to showcase commitment, and an interface for journaling and self-reflection.
Conducted user interviews and performed in-depth A/B testing across all features, evaluating feedback and user satisfaction to inform final recommendations.